Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tonight, A Super Moon And Spring

On March 20, 2019, the plane of our planet will pass through the center of the Sun. It is an equinox day, a day when the length of light and darkness are just about equal anywhere on the planet. It also means the sun is directly overhead on the equator at the middle of the day. This year I don't care to get more technical about the facts. It's the first day of Spring that matters even if the northeastern U.S. could get nailed with another snowstorm and near hurricane winds in the next few days. There's something different about this year's first day of spring. Shortly after sunset tonight we can enjoy the Full Worm Moon casting it's silvery blue light across the planet as the last supermoon of the year.

Wen it comes to calendars and changing seasons, it's hard to beat the French Revolutionary Calendar (1793-1805) teasing us with the warmth and color of Spring. For starters the spring equinox marks the first day of the month of Germinal. Every day has a name appropriate for the season. A revolutionary idea, I'd say. So here are the fecund thirty days of Germinal (March 21 - April 19):


1. Primevere - Primrose
2. Plantane - Plane Tree
3. Asperge - Asparagus
4. Tulipe - Tulip
5. Poule - Hen
6. Bette - Chard Plant
7. Bouleau - Birch Tree
8. Jonquille - Daffodil
9. Aulne - Alder
10. Couvoir - Hatchery
11. Pervenche - Periwinkle
12. Charme - Hornbeam
13. Morille - Morel
14. Hetre - European Beech Tree
15. Abielle - Bee
16. Laitue - Lettuce
17. Meleze - Larch
18. Cigue - Hemlock
19. Radis - Radish
20. Ruche - Hive
21. Gainier - Judas Tree
22. Romaine - Lettuce
23 Marronnier - Horse chestnut
24. Roquette - Arugula or Rocket
25. Pigeon - Pigeon
26. Lilas - Lilac
27. Anemone - Anemone
28. Pensee - Pansy
29. Myrtille - Blueberry
30. Greffor - Knife

Wonderful imagery in those thirty words about the season of renewal. May your first day of spring be the harbinger of warm weather and wind in your sails.


Photos and Illustrations:
Allegory of Germinal, public domain,, French National Library and Bureau of Measures, Paris

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