Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This weekend, pleasant surprises abound across the country, some of them in the most unexpected places. Savannah hosted one of those wonderful annual surprises yesterday due to the 17th falling on a Sunday.  At 10:15, in the cool of the late morning and under a partly cloudy sky, the city's 195th Saint Patrick's Day parade stepped  off to be enjoyed by almost 400,000 viewers. The parade never fails to be a family-friendly event. Organizers have worked hard over the past years to keep the "Saint" and sanity in the holiday, confining most of the adult revelry to River Street following the parade. That was fine with me even in my early thirties during my second adolescence. It's only since the arrival of "the book" - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - and the discovery of Savannah as a significant tourist destination that issues with irreverent activities have become serious. [See my "A Night[and Day] in Old Savannah," August 23, 2008, for details.]

My first St. Patrick's Day parade there was in 1977 when I lived on Jones Street in the historic district. Over the years, I lost count as the events merged one into the other during my tenure in the Coastal Empire. Eventually, my children celebrated their Irish/Celtic heritage as part of the parade. They sat on the folded top of a hot convertible and waved their green, white and orange flags to the crowds. Those wee bairns - now in their 30's - have plenty of ancient Celtic ancestry and thanks to we know they're about 18% Irish and Scot, but no one keeps score on that day. It was simply great fun. Almost all of those parades we attended were complemented with fine spring weather and thousands of azaleas blooming throughout the city.

Those were the good old days? To be honest, the parade is a fond memory. Life has moved on and left me with a deep love for Savannah and the lowcountry. Haven't been to the parade for several years, but I did watch or listen to it on the Internet yesterday.

If I were you, I'd put this event on the bucket list. The Savannah parade has been around since 1813. It's a wonderful event for your children and grandchildren. It's held in what many consider the nation's most beautiful city. That said, I suggest you make your reservations tomorrow before lodging on March 17, 2020 becomes a "No Vacancy."

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