Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Organization Of American States Lifts Ban On Cuba

On Wednesday, after 47 years, the Organization of American States lifted its ban on Cuba. There is no news on any change in policy on the part of the Castro regime so we must conclude that this is a good faith effort on the part of the OAS. With or without motivation, inviting Cuba to this table helps legitimize a long-standing dictatorship. One immediate outcome I see is access to more funding through the international banking system. The impoverished Cuban people may see some benefit from these loans while we can be assured los Castro will collect its generous share.

In the immediate future, all of this will transpire while hundreds of political prisoners continue to rot and free speech goes unheard. Will the softer approach offered by the OAS reach the heart of the dictatorship? It's possible, but the precedent of 47 years of "tough love" on this once-prosperous island should limit any softening in terms of both time and extent. I would like to think the OAS has already prepared a tool for assessing their wayward member's progress toward "good standing." And how refreshing it would be to see this venerable organization take the leading role in achieving liberation for Cuba.

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