Friday, February 20, 2009

Feeling Stimulated? No Joke!

Another business week has come to end. The stock market dropped 100 point today, bringing it down almost 20% since the election, and to its lowest point in eleven years. I've done my best to hold my political tongue, but patience is dwindling given that this is the roughest presidential transition in my sixty years of U.S. history. Finding issues involving ethics, judgment, and experience in the new administration is all too easy. It's so painful that I resort to humor as a survival mechanism. Gateway Pundit likes that strategy as well, posting about Obama's admonition that he will "call out" governors who waste stimulus dollars. Pundit goes on to point out that the bill funds doorbells, golf courses, streetcars, snow making facilities, dog parks, water slides, birth control, and ACORN. Check out "Is This a Joke" for some essential stimulus relief.

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