Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Changing Times

The passage of Senate Amendment 570 to H.R. 1 and the coming of "stimulus" to the tune of 1,000,000,000,000 suggests that we may have some hope accompanying the massive change that the bill brings to American life. As I see it, regardless of the contents of the final bill, this package will assure only the ascendancy of government. A small portion of the funding - details will emerge in the coming weeks - will lead to a slow economic recovery over many years. Is this the "hope" we've been waiting for? That's all we'll get out of this legislation. Over time, the remainder of the so-called stimulation will grow into more "government," and liberal - read Democrat - domination will be assured throughout the federal government. This is historic change for our society as this legislation leaves almost no facet of American life untouched.

We know very few of the details contained within this proposal, yet many are willing to cheer at the pep rallies and votes that will lead to its signing on the President's desk. As a man who seeks to "hold the center," celebration seems premature to me. Such a gargantuan bill deserves careful study. After all, this bill will soon be law and not easily undone if we find objectionable content within. True, some events, for example, the 9/11 attack, demand immediate response. On the other hand, the huge, complex web called the economy is unlike to disappear overnight. Why such haste to pass this legislation? And furthermore, we should understand that every dime of funding in this bill will be borrowed. Who will be paying for this, and for how long? I don't think any of my readers would disagree with Ben Franklin's advice: Take time for all things: Great haste makes great waste. In other words: You can screw up almost indefinitely with $1,000,000,000,000 of borrowed money.

I am inclined to recall a command from my radical youth: Just don't do something. Stand there!

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