Tuesday, September 17, 2024

See Tonight's Harvest Moon, A Supermoon, And A Partial Eclipse


The moon, like a flower in heaven's bower, with silent delight sits and smiles on the night.
                                                                William Blake

This full moon is special because it coincides with its orbital perigee or closest approach to Earth. That makes our moon appear larger, thus, we know it as a supermoon. They actually occur about four times a year and tonight you'll be able to enjoy it along with a partial eclipse beginning just after 10:00pm Eastern Time.

From the mountains to the sea Georgians should have a spectacular view of the Harvest Moon this year. For many years I was fortunate to witness September's full moon emerge from the sea. It was always a sublime event powered by the realization that you were a witness to a sensory immersion experienced by coastal inhabitants for thousands of years. The simplicity always amazed me. Here was a man, a strip of sand, a plain of water, all under a dome of sky and caressed by the touch of wind and the sound of surf. Add the rising moon and expect the surreal. The experience was so powerful even when friends were along the conversations almost always stopped in homage when the first moon sliver rose out of the sea.

Lowcountry moonrise, McQueens Island, Savannah, Georgia, 1951

. . .Her eyes, he says, are stars at dusk,

Her mouth as sweet as red-rose-musk;
And when she dances his young heart swells
With flutes and viols and silver bells;
His brain is dizzy, his senses swim,
When she slants her ragtime eyes at him.

Moonlight shadows, he bids her see,
Move no more silently than she.
It was this way, he says, she came,
Into his cold heart, bearing flame.
And now that his heart is all on fire
Will she refuse his heart's desire? . . . .

Tonight when the harvest moon is climbing high, go outside. Take a friend or someone you love. Get lost in it.


Photos and Illustrations:
National Park Service, Fort Pulaski National Monument Handbook, 1954

intro quotation, William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience, originally published in 1789.
poem excerpt, Conrad Aiken, "Turns and Movies: VI. Violet Moore and Bert Moore"

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