Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Perseid Meteor Shower 2022


They're back!  Yes, it's time for the Perseids, the most reliable meteor shower of the year. The shower emanates from the constellation, Perseus. In Greek mythology Perseus was one of the greatest hero warriors. He his best remembered for slaying the Gorgon Medusa whose gaze could turn men to stone. He went on to use the head as a weapon on his journey to kingship in Greek mythology. 

Now that the earth has finally moved into the debris field of the comet Swift-Tuttle, the shower will reach its peak on August 12-13. Unfortunately, this year's watchers will have to contend with reduced visibility due to the full moon. All is not lost though because new research has concluded that the Perseid event produces more fireballs - meteors brighter than the planets, Jupiter and Venus - than any other shower so you can still see them even in full moonlight. One of the most spectacular fireballs I ever saw cut across at least 120 degrees of steel blue sky about half an hour after sunset. It's usually best to skywatch between midnight and sunrise, but predicting shower peaks remains a difficult task. 

Perseus with the head of Medusa

Here's how to enjoy the Perseids. If the night is clear, find a dark location, take a lounge chair or blanket and bug spray outside especially between midnight and dawn and look into the northeast sky. In that sky, you'll see a lopsided "W" known as the constellation Cassiopeia, an easy marker for its neighbor, Perseus. The shower radiates from this point as it rotates across the sky, but it's important to note that meteors may occur anywhere in the sky dome. Furthermore, you will likely see some random meteors that will not fit the pattern.

Don't bother with a telescope, but you may enjoy binoculars for exploring deeper into space when the meteor watch gets a tad boring. Also, if your weather doesn't cooperate at the shower's maximum, keep in mind that it will be gradually declining through the evening of August 18 so you still have a good chance of seeing a piece of the show especially with a waning moon. If your weather doesn't cooperate remember that the shower will be available on  several You Tube live streams. 

For the latest news about this year's shower visit


Photos and Illustrations:
Perseus With the Head of Medusa, ca. 1800, Antonio Canova. Vatican City, Museo Pio-Clementino, Octagon Hall, Canova Cabinet


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