Monday, September 24, 2018

John Rutter: Owning The Music Of Christmas

The British composer, John Rutter, celebrates his 73rd birthday today.  He is deeply appreciated in the U.S. and Britain for his many choral and other compositions, for his work as a conductor and arranger. and as the founder of The Cambridge Singers. Some classical music critics, mostly in Great Britain, find his compositions to be a bit simple, repetitive, and stylistically confused. Others place him at the top among 20th century composers. I have to side with the latter appraisals. The melodies are generally simple, the harmonies beautiful, and the style affords a perfect balance of music and message. Furthermore, choirs of all sizes and skill levels perform his work to appreciative audiences everywhere. If popularity is any indicator, John Rutter's music will be enjoyed for a long, long time.

Rutter at Clare College, Cambridge, England

Last December The New York Times published a fine article describing the him appropriately as the composer who own Christmas.  The list of compositions at his Wikipedia entry provides plenty of evidence for this attribute. 


Photos and Illustrations:
Clare College Alumni

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