Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Insanity Thriving

While reading his news sources this morning, OTR came across another unsettling story focused on perception, reality and world politics. Apparently there is a new fatwa in Egypt that prohibits the owning or driving of the Chevrolet. It seems a Salafi - read "literalist" and "puritan" - sheik has noticed that the Chevrolet logo is actually a representation of the Christian cross and therefore haram or legally forbidden. Though the exact origin of what has become known as the Chevy bow-tie is lost to history, the "threat" itself has been part of our culture for 113 years.

The greater threat from the Chevy logo may be in our future. It seems the Salafi sheik is not alone in Egypt. In fact, the recent elections tell us that fully 25% of the new parliament can identify with him. Fortunately, the internal link in the Moonbattery story indicates that not all Egyptians are sympathetic with such twisted thinking. That's a good sign because history tells us it is difficult at best to deal politically with rampant paranoia and distorted realities, and downright futile to reason with insanity.

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