Friday, May 22, 2009

Bush III Bashes Bush

Two items caught my attention today during the daily review of about seventy sources. The first deals with how completely Barack Obama has adopted his predecessor's defense and security policies. After opposing Bush and his administration as a bunch of autocratic knuckle draggers, Obama has miraculously discovered their host of redeeming values. The libertarians and centrists who supported Obama's campaign seem to be discovering that their hope and change idealist is a rather old-school machine politician. How will the lefties and unhinged fringe take it? Not well, I suspect, and that leads to the second item.

Today, the president addressed the graduating class at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. The speech contained the rhetoric most Americans would expect at a military academy in addition to some remarks that could only be characterized as campaign statements. According to Obama, we must "uphold our fundamental principles and values not just because we choose to, but because we swear to; not because they feel good, but because they help keep us safe and keep us true to who we are." And in addition, he pledged that soldiers would be sent "into harm's way only when it is absolutely necessary, and with the strategy and well-defined goals, the equipment and support that you need to get the job done." I interpret both of these quotes as slaps at George Bush. They're necessary because Obama has to satisfy the pathological partners in his coalition party.

So, how long can Bush III bash Bush before even the deranged catch on? I hope not long. This charade does the country no good.

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