Tuesday, April 10, 2012

FDR And Fifty Years Of Liberalism

Blogging at Powerline, Steven Hayward has some observations on FDR's liberalism compared to the liberalism we have today. Political junkies of all party persuasions will enjoy what he has to say and how his readers respond. Read this post first, then follow up with this one.

FDR and his beloved Falla, FDR Memorial, Washington

OTR entered this world eighteen months after FDR's passing. His impressions of this monumental president were first shaped by his father who had little good to say about the "emperor in the White House." Looking back, OTR thinks his dad was a bit harsh on the charismatic personality who carried the nation through a very dark time. We should be thankful for such strong leadership when the ship of state plows through uncharted and stormy waters. Undoubtedly, FDR was quite willing to experiment with state-directed economics, a hypothesis popular at the time. We are better off for that experiment. At least it was carried out with the best interest of the people and - for the better part - the Founding Fathers in mind.

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