Monday, June 25, 2012

The American Catholic Church Defends Religious Freedom

On June 21, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops launched Fortnight For Freedom, a national campaign for religious liberty. It is in response to the "very narrow governmental definition of what constitutes a church" as found in the Health and Human Services mandate better known as Obamacare.

There are 68 million Roman Catholics in the United States, making the campaign a large social and political issue on a scale we have never seen before. If you are a Catholic and attended Mass yesterday, you very likely heard a message about the Fortnight for Freedom. If you did not, or attended another church, you heard nothing. And don't expect ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other members of traditional media to pay attention to the story. Fortnight For Freedom doesn't fit their plan - you know the rest of the story - still, it is of national importance and worthy of your attention.

Regardless, later this week the Supreme Court renders a decision on Obamacare. The outcome may diffuse much of the argument contained within Fortnight For Freedom. We'll also witness the Obama administration's response. In the coming weeks and months of debate on this issue, citizens will have an opportunity to gather landmark information, see the Constitution in action, and make informed decisions about their future. We must not squander this opportunity. Our constitutional republic - and the liberty it preserves - cannot stand without an informed electorate.

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