Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"He Was Coherent But Just Not Rational"

A leftist enviro-wacko died today at the Discovery Channel building in Sliver Spring, Maryland, after taking three hostages in protest over the cable network's programming. The event was telling enough, but a follow-up story in the Washington Post had an equally chilling quote from one Cynthia Philpott.

She and her boyfriend were new to Washington in 2008 when they decided to attend one of the enviro-wacko's Discovery Channel protests out of curiosity. Philpott related that his behavior was a bit challenging, but she followed up her comments with this remark:
He was coherent but just not rational.
I have written several posts over the past two years expressing my concern over what seems to be a national shift from a delicate social balance governed by reason to one governed by emotion. It is an "Alice in Wonderland" experience for the participant-observer to watch what is happening on the wrinkled edges of both political extremes in our nation. Even the words begin to lose their meanings and any hope of successful communication as a bridge to positive change is met with serious challenges. I will be interested to see how many old and new media folks catch Philpott's telling phrase and examine it for the pathology it represents. The analysis should be quite interesting, particularly of those "searchers" who may feel a bit unhinged over capitalism, the planet, and the implosion of the Soviet Union in late 1991. It is unfortunate that they seem to be ascendant lately.

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